Mediocrity is for losers

Mediocrity is very common, it means being average. Average people are average. Mediocrity is for losers. The reason mediocrity is for losers is given the choice of five places to eat lunch, are you going to pick the mediocre one? Given the choice of five people to hire, are you going to pick the mediocre…

The Unheard Story of David and Goliath: Underdogs and the Art of Battling Giants

One of the most fascinating stories of our times that I read about in Malcolm Gladwell's latest book David and Goliath and after doing my own mini-research is a story of something that happened 3,000 years ago, when the Kingdom of Israel was in its infancy. And it takes place in an area called the…

The question every small business must ask

If you are running a small business I think you have to make a choice. Are you going to be a junior, smaller version of a big business, if you make that choice, you are likely to fail. You cannot be cheaper than big companies, you cannot be better at following policies than them. You…

Make your own path

Success is a funny thing. A lot of people who want it are looking for a map, looking for instructions, looking for a step by step way to get from where they are to where they want to be. For a long time, the way to do that was to follow in someone else’s footsteps,…

Own your dreams

If you announce what you want, if you are clear about what’s on offer, if you set goals: - the chances of accomplishing your goal go up, and so does - the chance that you will be disappointed For many people, apparently, it’s better to not get what you want than it is to be…

The Bootstrapper’s Manifesto

I am a bootstrapper. I have initiative and insight and guts, but not much money. I will succeed because my efforts and my focus will defeat bigger and better-funded competitors. I am fearless. I keep my focus on growing the business—not on politics, career advancement, or other wasteful distractions. I will leverage my skills to…

Its called a PowerPoint presentation because….

it should have a powerful point that ignites change. No power, no change, no point. If you find yourself putting paragraphs on a slide, just know you have missed the point. It's about points not paragraphs. You don't present paragraphs, you email them for people to read. You present points to ignite change. A presentation…

Just do it, then do it again…

Some of the most successful people I know have one trait in common. They are consistent. I’ve struggled with this personally in my past, but know that when I consistently execute on a process or a plan, results happen. Consistent Sounds Dull With all of the talk about following our passion, escaping from cubicles, and…