It is only just day one

I have been reading a collection of Jeff Bezos's shareholders' letters in his book Invent and Wonder. In these letters, Jeff Bezos signs off his letters with the sentence "It is only just day one." In each letter, he would outline a lot of happenings at Amazon and then end the letter with: "It is…

Sometimes I believe in God, sometimes I don’t. I think it’s 50/50, maybe.

I remember sitting in his backyard in his garden, one day, and he started talking about God. He [Jobs] said: “Sometimes I believe in God, sometimes I don’t. I think it’s 50/50, maybe. But ever since I’ve had cancer, I’ve been thinking about it more, and I find myself believing a bit more, maybe it’s…

9 Years of Blogging

Today marks 9 years of me blogging on this platform. According to WordPress, in these 9 years, have posted 3296 articles, this a equivalent to one blog post a day for 9 years. I remember day one when I started blogging as if it was yesterday. I started writing here because I thought I would…

No reason to be surprised

Now and then, someone comes along who surprises the status quo. She did not do well on her matric exams but ends up writing a brilliant novel. She did not go to a famous university but builds a successful enterprise… She does not articulate in her accent, but she has inspired a lot of youngsters…

Sodade the Barefoot Soul

“Nothing has changed in my life. Long before I became famous, I'd had people around me -- rich people, poor people, family, strangers. I grew up poor, I never had anything before, and so I'm living my normal life. And I'll keep it that way. Nothing's going to change who I am.” -- Cesária Évora…

Keeping score

Kill rivals, do not collaborate. That is what “fire-in-the-belly visionaries” do. The recent article in the Financial Review was reporting remarks from a speaker at their innovation summit. In his opinion, businesses are too friendly. If we are to survive, we need to behave more like Amazon and Uber - ”hyper-competitive, Darwinian killing machines.” For…

18 Lessons from My Biggest Blunders – 29 July 2021

On the 29th of July we had an amazing session with 5 entrepreneurs sharing their biggest business and professional blunders on My Biggest Blunders | Pretoria. Here are some of their lessons learned: Up-skill yourself, register for that course Cash flow management is critical for your business. Look after your cashCommunicate with your partners and…

As soon as now

When a gap opens in the market, don't hesitate and waste time overthinking or talking a lot about it. When you have a signed agreement with a client, don't waste time doing other things than executing the assignment. When you remember something that needs to be done, do it immediately while you still remember it.…

Close the gap between dreaming and doing

I think you will agree that sometimes we get stuck, even when we know we have a great idea. Sometimes it is easier to sit and wait for just the right time to execute, to see if it’s safe. The thing is if you are waiting until it is safe then it probably is. Most…

5 types of leaders

Visionary - Follow me! Oh wait,a shiny new thing. Compromiser - Maybe we should just take a vote. Drill Sergeant - When I say jump, you say how high. Cheerleader - You guys rock! Who wants pizza? Coach - Play hardball and give it 110% Which one resembles your leadership style the most? Image by Gerd…