Entrepreneurs should be the biggest employers, not the government

In his statement to the governing party during the week, the Minister of Finance Nhlanhla Nene sketched a bleak picture in terms of the country's lower economic growth of 3% being the "new normal." His major concern is that there is a tendency by the government to focus the country's expenditure towards paying of increasing salaries…

You are at the top when…

- You clearly understand that failure is an event, not a person; that yesterday ended last night, and today is your brand-new day. - You have made friends with your past, are focused on the present, and optimistic about your future. - You know that success (a win) does not make you, and failure (a…

That’s the way we do things around here

The tried and true is beyond reproach. It's been tried, and of course, it's true. True because it worked. In times of change, though, most of the tried is in fact, false. False because what used to work, doesn't, at least not any longer. Sure, it might be what you've always done. But that doesn't…

Why mess up a blank canvas?

At the last townhouse I stayed in, everything was white on white when I arrived. White walls, counters, table, furniture, and carpet. So I took it one step further, bought five blank canvases, and hung them around the apartment. Especially one big one, right at the entrance. Visitors would get upset, saying, “You have got…

Send In The Clowns: Clowns Ignore Science

A couple of weeks ago, I took my daughters to the circus. The first few acts were about lions and gymnasts. Out of the blue, came out of the clown. The clown's duty is to make people laugh with his jokes, funny clothes, red nose and big shoes. Every time the clown comes out, its…

Uninvite the Devil’s Advocate

This is more a note to self than anything else. Often I get invited to adjudicate pitching competitions for entrepreneurs with innovative ideas. My approach has always being to be objective and basically act a devil advocate by asking critical questions. When I really thought about this concept of the Devil's Advocate, it hit a nerve.…

Its Certainly not a Gift

Here are attributes many of us value in friends, co-workers, bosses, employees, and suppliers: Honest Caring Punctual Curious Proactive Flexible Thoughtful Generous Fun Committed Respectful Organised Interested Creative Likable Positive Reaching out You get the idea. These are things that turn someone from ordinary into a star. They are even attributes we now assign to our…

Doing Work That Matters: Spend Some Time Alone

So many of us have build great exteriors of our lives. On social media, television and around us, we see people displaying certain levels of success, recognition, applause, accomplishments, and awards... but many times we receive the reward but inwardly we cannot appreciate and accept what has happened because our "inner world" is disorganised and…

Doing Work That Matters: Build a Group of Elites

Social Capital - A fancy word for a simple idea. In its simplest form, social capital sets you up for the amazing benefits that occur from having great relationships. Not only are cultivating relationships good for your mental and emotional health, they are a crucial resource to doing work that matters. You might have the…