Weird is the New Normal: Being weird is a good thing

The word “weird” can have negative connotations. Why do you think it should have more positive ones? Normal is fading away. Governments and industries and schools like normal, because it’s easier, it scales and it’s profitable. But people don’t like being normal, we want to be who we are, not who some marketer tells us…

Weird is the New Normal: We are all Weird

What are you going to do with your weirdness? Or the weirdness of everyone around you? During the age of mass (mass marketing, mass manufacturing, mass schooling, mass movements) the key was normal. Normal was important because you needed (were required) to fit into your slot. Manufacturers insisted because profits depended on it. Normal diets…

Don’t kill your ideas, execute them

It's so funny when I hear people being so protective of ideas. (People who want me to sign an NDA to tell me the simplest idea.) To me, ideas are worth nothing unless executed. They are just a multiplier. Execution is worth millions. Explanation: BAD IDEA = -1 WEAK IDEA = 1 SO-SO IDEA =…

Fear: Jump off and do it again and again

“You can’t get rid of fear, the harder you push back at it the louder it becomes.” Fear creates procrastination in those who don’t understand it. People wait and wait or over educate hoping that fear will take a break and let you try that thing that scares you to death but fear is your…

Fear: Workaholics driven by fear

A workaholic lives on fear. It's fear that drives him to show up all the time. The best defense, apparently, is a good attendance record. A new class of jobs (and workers) is creating a different sort of worker, though. This is the person who works out of passion and curiosity, not fear. The passionate…

Fear: Fear is Prison

Fear never wrote a symphony or poem, negotiated a peace treaty, or cured a disease. Fear never pulled a family out of poverty or a country out of intolerance. Fear never saved a marriage or a business. Courage did that. Faith did that. People who refused to consult or bow down to their timidities did…

Fear: The world is incomplete without your story

Have you ever wondered who is behind that little voice in your head that tells you, “you’re in this by yourself, one person doesn’t make a difference, so why even try?” His name is Fear. Fear plays the role of antagonist in the story of your life. You must rid yourself of him using all…

Change careers like Tarzan

I get emails from many people who want to make a big change in their career. Each one wants to quit their current career, and boldly leap into their new venture or preferred lifestyle. When they ask my advice, they think I'm going to say, “Yes! Quit! Go for it!” But instead, they are surprised…

Smart people don’t think others are stupid

The woman seemed to be making some pretty good points, until she stopped with, “Ugh! Those (people she disagrees with) are just so stupid!!” She could have said politicians, poor people, Indians, Black, Republicans, Democrats, Indians, or Africans. It doesn’t matter. She had just proven that she was not being smart. There are no smart…