Crowd pleaser…

.... is not the only option. You could choose crowd changer. Changing is far is more difficult and more important than pleasing the crowd. You could also choose: Crowd disturber. Crowd inspirer. Crowd connector. Crowd calmer. Crowd challenger. And for that matter, you can skip the crowd and just go for: She mattered to me.

Freedom: from debt slavery

Buying material things to impress others is also frequently referred to as “conspicuous consumption.” The term was originally coined in 1899 by sociologist and author Thorstein Veblen to describe the behavioral characteristics of the nouveau riche who used their public consumption of goods and services as a way to manifest their social power and prestige.…

Freedom: from the need to be right

The need to be right, and thus making others wrong, imprisons us in a world of judgement and dysfunctional relationships at work, at home, and within our communities. Just watch the evening news to see how this thinking has generated some of the domestic and global issues facing us today. Conflicts arise because of the…

Freedom: and choices

What will you do next? What can you learn tomorrow? Where will you live, who will you connect with, who will you trust? Are questions better than answers? Maybe it is easier to get a dummies book, a tweet or a checklist than it is to think hard about what is next... It is certainly…

Freedom: and the Problem of Freedom

Freedom is our problem and freedom is our opportunity. When you have been caged, restricted or limited by forces beyond your control, freedom is something you long for. Freedom is an opportunity. Often when people get freedom, be it to create, to work, to write, to ride, to make, to fly, they freeze and don't know…


Are you stuck, do you feel like you cannot move? It might not be because you cannot find the right answer. It is almost certainly because you are asking the wrong question. The more aggressively you redefine the problem, the more likely it is you are going to solve it. The most successful people I…

You are famous

  What makes a celebrity special? She was just an ordinary person a month or a year ago, but now, suddenly, your heart goes flitter-flutter when you meet her, you want a selfie or an autograph. One way to consider fame is that it increases the options for the person at the same time the…

The Journey is the Reward: Here and now

“Success is not a place at which one arrives but rather the spirit with which one undertakes and continues the journey.” – Alex Noble If we enjoy our journey our lives gain meaning. Let us not think that the only important thing is that celestial glory which awaits us some time faaaaar in the future. Seeing…