Sometimes we don’t get what we want

Life doesn't always hand things to us on our timetable. It can be frustrating, but sometimes the things we most desire arrive unexpectedly, reminding us of the power of patience. Don't let setbacks discourage you. Instead, hold onto your faith, trust the process, and keep moving forward. With perseverance, your dreams will unfold, often in…

I can’t do this… yet.

The Power of Yet is a concept often associated with the growth mindset, a term coined by psychologist Carol Dweck. It reflects the idea that the word "yet" holds a significant transformative power in one's mindset and approach towards challenges. When someone says, "I can't do this," they are expressing a fixed mindset. However, by…

Build, Don’t Brag

Getting a problem solved is the real victory. It's not necessarily about you solving it, it's about the solution itself. We're not here for a one-person show, we're here for a collective win. We're living in a world where everyone seems to be obsessed with being the hero, the star of the show. Imagine a…

Blunder #90 | The High-Stakes Game of Cat and Mouse with Repo Agents | Roche Mamabolo Roche, a South African entrepreneur, found himself entangled in a web of troubles when two persistent white men sought to repossess his car due to missed payments. Desperate to avoid them, he played a risky game of hide-and-seek, constantly checking if they were at his office before daring to show up. The situation reached…

Marketing magic or smoke and mirrors?

No amount of marketing wizardry can resurrect a product that's just plain mediocre. You can slap on all the shiny packaging, hire the most charismatic influencers, and throw around buzzwords like confetti at a New Year's Eve party, but at the end of the day, if the product itself is subpar, you're just dressing up…

Forget Kumbaya; Why entrepreneurs thrive on fierce competition?

Heraclitus, the ancient Greek philosopher understood change, and competition thrives on its constant churn. Yesterday's rebels become today's gatekeepers, once at the top, kicking the very ladder they climbed. We celebrate competition but fear its excesses, wanting both the thrill of victory and the comfort of dominance. We want to win and be at the…

The messy truth of entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is not a stroll in the park. It's more like a chaotic rollercoaster in the dark, where you're blindly feeling your way through. You're gonna stumble, tumble, and face-plant more times than you'll care to admit. But here's the secret sauce, that's the recipe for success. You throw a hundred things at the wall,…