A Legacy of Peter Moleme Mamabolo

My dad passed away last Saturday, 12 November 2016. He was 68. He taught my brother and me so many things that we will always be grateful for. Thank you for teaching us the love of books. Thank you for teaching us the value of hard work. Thank you for reminding us how much it…

Abundance or Scarcity: Which way do you live?

Scarcity mentality; There will never be enough; Believes the pie is shrinking; Competes to stay on top; Seeks attention, me mentality; Hoardes things from others You have to lose, if I am to succeed; Will not share knowledge; Will not offer help to others; Secretly hopes others fail; Suspicious of others; Exclusion; Promotes only self…

Abundance or Scarcity: And the connected world

We are moving out of the industrial age, an economy based on scarcity and into a connection economy based on abundance, abundance of  choice, connections and access to knowledge. In our new connection economy where it is easier to connect with anyone in the world, we can connect with more people and leverage our skills at…

Abundance or Scarcity: Enough

In the scarcity mindset, all that matters is how you compare to others. In the abundance mindset, what matters most is how you compare to yourself, how you live out your own ideals in your day-to-day life. Social media encourages scarcity mentality. On social media, people often post highlights of their life, showing off all of…

Book Review: The Innovators by Walter Isaacson

This book about innovation in the technology space, to be precise it is about the history and evolution of innovation in the technology space. Walter Isaacson takes you back to 1843 from Ada, Countess of Lovelace, who published “Notes” on Babbage’s Analytical Engine and takes you through a journey of other innovators in the 1930s,…

Life is not a race

.... You have nothing to prove. Everyone wants to get to the top of the mountain first and shout, “Look at me!  Look at me!” There is an invisible competition that we are unconsciously forced into. We don't know who has set the rules to this competition, but somehow we are competing against each other. We…

Finding Your Element: Decrease Conformity

If you want to live in your element, you need to buck the trends. Stop confirming to what most people do. Most people watch hours and hours of television everyday, checking their phones more than 50 times a day, constantly reacting to what life is bringing them, not taking time to create their ideal life.…

Finding Your Element: Perseverance

If you are to bring your element into the world, it is not a matter of just snapping your fingers and saying I love doing this, I'm good at it and there is a market for it and therefore I have found my element and that's it, I'm done. That is not how it works.…