The quiet place with God

___________________________________ Try to keep your soul always in peace and quiet, always ready for whatever our Lord may wish to work in you. It is certainly a higher virtue of the soul, and a greater grace, to be able to enjoy the Lord in different times and different places than in only one. -- Saint…

Bessie Head’s Maru

_________________________________________ "And if the white man thought that Asians were a low, filthy nation, Asians could still smile with relief - at least, they were not Africans. And if the white man thought Africans were a low, filthy nation, Africans in Southern Africa could still smile - at least, they were not Bushmen."-- Bessie Head,…

A helping hand

When you are dealing with an unsatisfied customer there might be a long list of things you cannot do for them that they wish you could. But if you are truly wanting to serve the customer, dig deep and find the one or two things that you CAN do on their behalf. See if you…

Remember why you started

Jessica could not believe it had been only three years since she opened the doors to the tiny clothing boutique she had dreamed of owning one day. She remembered the excitement of finding the shabby little two roomed workshop, choosing colours for the walls and installing makeshift shelving and clothing racks where she could display…

Atomic habits

Reading 20 pages per day is 7300 pages a year. Walking 5000 steps per day is around 1,460 kilometers a year. Reaching out to 1 new person per day is 365 potential connections a year. Becoming 1% better per day is 37 times better a year. We first make our habits, and then our habits…

Listening leadership

Most of us are pretty insecure creatures. So when we go to work each day, we want people to think we are smart, strong and together. Pure ego tripping. We believe that the best leader is the one who talks the most, speaks the loudest and listens the least. We believe that the person doing…

Einstein and the back of an envelope

The brilliance of Einstein in a simple paragraph: ______________________________________ “It was a sunny day, and Einstein merrily played with the telescope’s dials and instruments. Elsa came along as well, and it was explained to her that the equipment was used to determine the scope and shape of the universe. She reportedly replied, “Well, my husband…

Entrepreneurship is a real physical monopoly game

This looks like an interesting Monopoly to play. Here YOU will physically feel the: Go To Jail, Do not pass begin, to do not collect $200. Entrepreneurship is practical. You don't become a successful entrepreneur in the classroom, you grow by implementing, making mistakes and learning from them. In the same way you don't learn…

Spiritual people

For many of us, spirituality brings comfort and peace in times of trouble. Our belief systems support us and hold us up when things get rough. However, spiritual people are not exempted from the world's physical problems. Just because you are a believer does not mean you do not have to real issues and real…