It’s not about you: It’s about the audience

When we have done what we could to get a speaker to give a TEDx talk and they are still nervous and sometimes even have the thought of pulling out, we often encourage them by saying: "This talk is not about you, it is about the millions of lives it will impact and change for…

It’s not about you: Obsess about your customers

The gospel of entrepreneurship has been preached as this lone ranger, superhero journey, it has been made out to be about the one individual. It is not about the entrepreneur, not about the individual, but more about the customer. The hero of the show is not the entrepreneur, the hero of the show is the…

It’s not about you: It’s about them

"What?" "What do you mean it is not about me?" This is the response we feel when we hear this truth. "It's not about me?" In a me, me, me, myself and I, I-want-it-now culture, we are so often focused on ourselves. It's not all about you. This information, when understood correctly, is very calming.…

Opening acts and rock stars

The opening act has the toughest job in town. The audience is not here to listen to you. They are restless. Perhaps you will get a few seconds to earn their attention, but not much. Your gimmicks will fall flat and you might even get booed off stage. The rock star, on the other hand,…

Once upon a time…

Few years ago, I was on a queue to buy a plane ticket. The woman in front of me was talking to the ticket agent, this was when you only could buy your ticket by physically going to the ticket counter, not online like we do today. She says to the ticket agent: "I'm flying…