From WOW to NOW

Over the top is not… over the top any more. The bar just keeps on rising, and it's not looking back. Customers are the true architects of this seismic shift. They're a discerning bunch, and they're not settling for mediocrity anymore. They've raised their standards, and they're shouting it from the rooftops. They want it…

I’m sorry

The other day, I posted this WhatsApp status: Love is an act of endless forgiveness - Jean Vanier. I received a couple of interesting comments, some agreeing with it and other holding a different view. Another friend sent me this WhatsApp conversation screenshot: After reading the WhatsApp message, some people are like: 'Yeah, forgiveness is…

Don’t fear failure, fear mediocrity

Mediocrity is like a comfortable bed. It's easy to get into and it's warm and cozy. But if you stay in it too long, you'll start to get stiff and your muscles will atrophy. You'll also start to lose your sense of ambition and drive. Failure, on the other hand, is like a cold shower.…

Siya Kolisi: The Art of Magnanimity

Siya after winning against Scotland in the World Cup: Siya after winning against France in the quarter finals: Siya's post match interview after winning against England in the semi-finals: It is very interesting that Siya always acknowledges and praises the opposition in his post-match interviews. This is a sign of his humility…

Blunder #57 | Sailing through the storms of entrepreneurship | Bataung Qhotsokoane In this talk, Bataung shares a remarkable journey of self-discovery through the lens of entrepreneurship. In the cutthroat world of business, emotional resilience is worth its weight in gold. Bataung has harnessed the ancient art of stoicism to navigate the tempestuous waters of entrepreneurship. His journey is a testament to the human spirit's capacity…

Seeing, believing, and innovating

Imagine you're in a dimly lit room, and in the corner, there's a beautiful, ornate mirror covered in dust and cobwebs. This mirror represents a person's true self, their potential, their dreams, and their aspirations. Many people go through life without ever truly acknowledging the existence of this mirror, let alone cleaning it up and…

Low profile

"People generally let me be me. People are aware that I'm not someone particularly begging for attention. They hold back a bit with me." - Sade "I'm uneasy with fame so I do my best to avoid places that will bring me more attention." -- Sade Sade, has to be the elusive queen of smooth…

Changing minds, one heart at a time

Imagine you're a gardener trying to convince a friend to appreciate the beauty of a particular type of flower they've never encountered before. You can certainly provide your friend with a detailed botanical description of the flower's characteristics, its scientific name, and the specific conditions it requires to thrive. However, your friend might remain unmoved…

There are no stupid mistakes

There is a big difference between making mistakes and being stupid. Mistakes are a natural part of life and learning. They are opportunities for us to grow and develop. Stupidity, on the other hand, is a refusal to learn from our mistakes. It is a choice to repeat the same patterns of behaviour over and…