Thank You!

For those who read this blog daily and seek to use its stories, experiences and sometimes rantings in order to change the world, whether globally or locally, thank you: Thank you: For the difference you are making; For the courage to stand out and not fit in; For consistently disrupting the status-quo; For caring and…

Surefire predictions for 2016

by Seth Godin I'm betting on the following happening in 2016: An event will happen that will surprise, confound and ultimately bore the pundits. Out of the corner of your eye, you'll notice something new that will delight you. You'll be criticized for work you shipped, even though it wasn't made for the person who didn't like…

My Top 20 Books for 2015

“A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us.”― Franz Kafka Books inspire me and have always been my refuge to conflicts in life. Books have changed my life and they continue to... In 1999 or so a friend (Tebogo Segola) recommended a book I should read and that book changed my life…

My 2015 Lessons: This Might Not Work

Anything worth doing might not work. You might fail. You might announce your project to the world and then have to admit that it did not work. All the rewards, all the satisfaction, all the interesting things that happen in life go to those who are willing to play in the unknown, who are willing…

The world owes us nothing

One of my all time favorite quotes comes from the great American writer Mark Twain: "...the world owes you nothing; it was here first." Even when you make your art, your best skill, even when you have exerted your most and best emotional effort into a project – the world owes you nothing. There is…

Reflect credit but embrace blame, Steve did

For some people, being seen as a public success is very important because it boosts their ego and makes them feel important. This means that always been praised by peers and media and being seen at VIP events. I have however learned that even though a good PR or what some call personal branding is…

The hidden power of gifts

If I sell you something, we exchange items of value. You give me money, I give you stuff, or a service. The deal is done. We are even. I give you something, you give me something in return. Its an exchange, a transaction. A gift where some form of reciprocation was expected is not  really a…

What’s Your Story: Glow In The Dark

Some people are able to reflect the light that lands on them, to take directions or assets or energy and focus it where it needs to be focused. This is a really valuable skill. Even more valuable, though, is the person who glows in the dark. Not reflecting energy, but creating it. Not redirecting urgencies…

What’s Your Story: 6 Tips on Great Storytelling

A great story is true. Not necessarily because it’s factual, but because it’s consistent and authentic. Customers are too good at sniffing out inconsistencies for a marketer to get away with a story that is not authentic. Great stories are subtle. The fewer details spelled out, the more powerful the story becomes. Allowing people to draw…

What’s Your Story: Stories Humanise Business

“Marketing is no longer about the stuff you make, but about the stories you tell,” said entrepreneur and marketing guru Seth Godin. A great story is true. Not necessarily because it is factual, but because it is consistent and authentic. Consumers are too good at sniffing out inconsistencies for a marketer to get away with a…