There is no customer called Everyone

I think it is essential to be crystal clear about your target market and avoid trying to appeal to everyone. Who are you building your business for? Is it for young people, students, recent graduates, C-Suite executives, retired folks, urban, rural, blue-collar, white-collar, etc? No customer out there goes by the name "everyone." Attempting to…

The allure of subtle beauty

Subtle beauty is like a hidden gem, something that's hard to put into words but has an undeniable charm that makes your offerings truly special. Achieving this kind of beauty calls for a touch of modesty and a deep understanding of oneself. When a business or brand exudes subtle beauty, it embraces its uniqueness without…

An org chart from the 1300s

During the 1300s, the organisational structure of the Papal offices, also known as the Roman Curia, was quite different from modern organisational charts. The Papal court was a complex and hierarchical system, with various key officers and administrative bodies. The staff of 500+ people would include various clerics, bureaucrats, diplomats, guards, and support personnel who…

Converting a hospital pass into a great goal

I had the priviIlige of listening to the MD of Coca Cola South Africa, Velaphi Ratshefola, fondly called Bra V. He was delivering a welcome address at the recent Supplier Summit and he said something very interesting. He said Coke is the like Premier League if you want to have a successful working relationship with…

Rocking the lead role or playing the tambourine

Chris Rock did a comedy special titled "Tamborine." In the skid he says: “Being in a relationship is like being in a band, sometimes you sing lead and sometimes you’re on the tambourine”  In the context of his comedy, the term "Tamborine" is a play on words. The word "tambourine" traditionally refers to a musical…

Incorrect framing

"We're so self important, everyone's gonna save something... The greatest arrogance of all: save the planet". -- George Carlin George Carlin's perspective on the notion of "saving the planet" indeed highlights a flawed framing that can be seen in how we approach various issues. His humorous yet thought-provoking take on the subject sheds light on…

Refuse to be a victim

I rewatched Chris Rock's Netflix special Selective Outrage, and he briefly mentions the sad episode at the Oscars. He emphasises that, despite what happened, he refuses to be a victim. I've been thinking about this refusal to be a victim mindset, and I believe it is a powerful and uplifting mindset. Refusing to be a…

“Making things that makes pots not to be done.”

If you're South African or follow its trends, you'll recognise the following phrases, which have become memes: "Making things that makes pots not to be done." "Is not make sure." This reminded me of NoViolet Bulawayo in her book We Need New Names when she said: “The problem with English is this: You usually can't…

The Evolution of Luxuries to Necessities

“One of history’s few iron laws is that luxuries tend to become necessities and to spawn new obligations. Once people get used to a certain luxury, they take it for granted. They being to count on it. Finally they reach a point where they can't live without it” ― Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens: A Brief…

Productivity Hacks for Solopreneurs: Get things done

Many people have great ideas, but what sets successful solopreneurs apart is their ability to turn those ideas into reality. Don't get too attached to one particular idea; be willing to adapt and evolve as needed. Taking action and bringing your ideas to life can be challenging, especially when you're working alone. It requires focus,…