Ndzi Khense Ngopfu

Ndzi khense ngopfu is Xitsonga [one of our 11 official South African language] meaning: Thank you so much.There is Thank You and then there is Thank You So Much. Thank you is okay, it's alright, everybody says Thank You once in a while, well maybe not everybody-everybody, but on average they do...... but Thank You…

First impressions vs. Lasting impact

Have you ever been disappointed by mismatched brand. The impression it creates is not the same as what it really is. When the brand looks prim and proper but the experience of it is far from prim and proper. Often we invest time and resources creating first impressions. Creating first impressions is not necessarily the…

In praise of the smiley

  The obvious benefit of written professional communication is the efficiency. Often I prefer in person conversations because they are both powerful and un-scalable. You are not going to misunderstand me when talk face to face or over a call. The back and forth of email or sms communication can easily lead to messages being…

What will your verse be?

“I believe in music, the way some people believe in fairy tales…” - August Rush August Rush, one of my favourite movies. I watched it recently, again. I have lost count of how many times I watched it. This time, what stood out as I watched it..... again, is Robin Williams. One of my favourite…

My Documentaries List for 2019

Learning never ends, and I take that idea very seriously. I’m always searching for new articles, books, videos, and lectures, documentaries on the internet to expand my understanding of the world and how it works. Documentaries are informative, due the investigative nature of producing them, doccies have depth in certain topics. The following is a…

The Infinite Game

A sign post stands at the fork in the road, Pointing in one direction, the sign says victory. Pointing in the other direction, sign says fulfillment. We must pick a direction. Which one will we choose? If we choose the path to victory, the goal is to win. We will experience the thrill of competition…

The “How” Matters

How you design the product changes how it feels to use it. How we look at people affects how we see them [sawubona]. How you train your staff changes how the customer is treated. How we greet and welcome customers affects how they feel. How we talk to people who are deemed less important, tells…

My Podcast List For 2019

Podcasting is an open mic recorded platform, a chance for people with something to say to find a few people who would like to hear them say it. I love podcasts because they are inspirational, educational and informative, I often use them as an escapism, and I can listen to them while driving, walking or…

When the dust settles

When things are more calmer and stable, when the consequences of something has become known and manageable, will you find yourself in a position you would be happy to be in. Or when the dust settles years later, will you ask yourself "What was I thinking?" Often the answer is, you weren't. When the dust…