Thank you so much

This marks my 415th blogpost of 2021. I have written about so many emotions, learnings, challenges and blunders. I remember some posts, but I also don't remember some. 365 days later, all I can say is thank you so much. Thank you so much: … for your trust and attention over the course of the…

TKZee’s Halloween Album was “incomplete”

In one of his interviews, Zwai Bala of TKZee says that their album Halloween was an incomplete project. They ran out of time to finish it and due to the deadline they were given, they have to submit what they had done so far. The interesting thing is that Halloween became a huge success when…

Keep the home fires burning

The thing with fireplaces is that if you want to keep your home warm on a cold day, you have to ensure that there is always fire in the fireplace. This requires that you at least have a log of wood burning inside. But importantly this requires that you pay attention to the fire, ensure…

Ceramic vs. Styrofoam cup: A lesson in Leadership

I was recently reminded of a leadership story I used to think about from time to time, the one about the styrofoam cup shared by Simon Sinek: __________________________________________ I heard a story about a former Under Secretary of Defense who gave a speech at a large conference. He took his place on the stage and…

To all the great books I haven’t read

Tsundoku (積ん読) is a beautiful Japanese word describing the habit of acquiring books but letting them pile up without reading them. I used to feel guilty about this tendency, and would strive to only buy new books once I had finished the ones I owned. However, the concept of the antilibrary as explained by Nassim…

If you were to start a soccer team

Sx If you were put in charge of starting a soccer team what would you start with first? Maybe look a striker, or a goalie, or maybe a good midfielder? The truth is if you only start with any one of those things first you would fail. In order to start a soccer team lots…

People who are good for you

There are people who notice you only when you shine, or when you fall into the darkness. Not the average you. Not the mediocre you. But the great you, or the not-so-great you. The people who are worthiest of your care are not those who only notice you at your best and worst but those…

It’s what we consistently do

It’s just what we do. Every day, without fail. And that's the point. The consistency to do something excellently, every day. No off-days, no we do it when we feel like it. It is the consistency to do something with excellence, without fail, that makes you and your business different from ten others in your…

What’s the most unexpected thing you’ll do today?

Bernadette Jiwa blogged about this a while ago and I thought about because I experienced the same thing recently: ________________________________________ Last Monday I got a handwritten letter in the mail. Imagine my surprise when I opened it to find a note from a contractor who had unsuccessfully quoted for a small renovation project on our…

Maybe do it later then

Yesterday I shared a life lesson I learned when I started working about doing things now, and not procrastinating. Great, do it now then. How long will it take to get something done? 5 minutes? Great, do it now then. But doing things later is something we should also consider doing once in a while. When dealing…

Great, do it now then

When doing my auditing articles, one thing I learned from my manager is the magic power of doing things now. Often when I go to her for assistance she will respond by saying: How long will it take to solve it? 5 minutes? okay let's do it now then. Initially I was puzzled by this…