Bitterness: A bit of the sun and moon in us

Everybody has a little bit of the sun and moon in them. Everybody is courage and fear in them. The courage to fight when under attack and the fear to implement that idea and fail. Everybody has a twin in them, the one that we get to see outside, the one that looks la-di-da, in…

Bitterness: An invisible prison

Bitterness consumes you, it eats you inside. Bitterness is like drinking poison and waiting the other person to die. It destroys you. When you leave bitterness behind, it's like a load off your shoulders, you stop hating, holding grudges, you stop wanting to prove a point. Tom Drout puts it this way: "We cannot live with…

Bitterness: Memories thereof….

"I don't like that guy," she said. "Why not," I wondered… It turns out that she had done some business with him years ago and it hadn't gone well. When pressed, though, she could not actually recall what the problem had been, or how much financial or project damage had been done. All she remembered…

Public Speaking: The TEDx Way Masterclass

LORA Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in partnership with Gamatong Brand Consultancy and TEDxJohannesburg brings you the surprising power of the humble talk: Public Speaking: The TEDx Way Masterclass. Everyone knows that a compelling talk can illuminate, persuade, and transform an audience. What is rarely mentioned is how a leader's vision, or a business' strategy, or a…

Where there is hurt, there is healing

“Love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the energies of prayer.” -- Matthew 5:43-45, MSG We have all been hurt at some point, likely by someone we hold in high esteem. And though forgiving can be easy, forgetting is…

Joy of Missing Out [JOMO]: Joy and FOMO

  Somewhere, right this very moment, someone is having more fun than you. Making more money than you. Doing something more important, with better friends, and a happier ending, than you. Or possibly just better at Words with Friends than you are. You are missing out. And somewhere, right now, something in your universe is…

Joy of Missing Out [JOMO]: Forget FOMO

“For millions of years, humankind has used a brilliantly successful survival strategy. If we like something, we chase after more of it: more status, more food, more info, more stuff. Then we chase again. It’s how we survived famine, disease and disaster to colonise the world. But now, thanks to technology, we’ve suddenly got more…

The StartUp Revolution One-Day Workshop

Brought to you by The LORA Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, The StartUp Revolution is a one day startup workshop on entrepreneurship and innovation. The workshop takes place on Saturday, June 16, in Midrand [Johannesburg] from 0900 to 1600 and is limited to Ten [10] delegates only at R150. First come, first served. If you know…

10 Quotes on your Entrepreneurship Marathon

No one ever said it was easy being an entrepreneur. Whether you're in the early stages of your statrup, just secured funding for your startup or you are ready for product launch, there will always be those three components when you ask yourself if this whole entrepreneur thing is worth it. Starting and running a business…