Learning how to make

Everyone should learn to make things. Not because there is tremendous shortage of people who can produce things but because once you know how to make something, it changes how you see things. Once you know how to assemble an electronic device, every computer seems a bit less mysterious. Once you know how to give…

A legacy of Maya Angelou

Others can better write about Maya Angelou's impact on the world stage, on how she stood up for the dignity of all people, of women and on how she touched and changed our world. For those that seek to make a change in the world, whether global or local, one lesson of her life is…

The You Show

A friend was telling me about some job interviews she went on. She enjoyed them. Of course she did, I thought. She was starring in a show, a show about her. One approach is to be reactive, to sit where you're supposed to sit, have your CV appear just so, wear what you're supposed to…

Your brand is not your logo

Smart marketers understand that a new logo can't possibly increase your market share, and they know that an expensive logo doesn't defeat a cheap logo. They realise that the logo is like a first name, it's an identifier. So, when entrepreneurs start 'testing' logos, and proclaiming that a new logo might change their market share,…

Take the ball and go home

Bullies are everywhere. At school, in traffic, in party conversations, at the stadium, in relationships, at work, in business, committee meetings, political parties and even on social media platforms. The thing with bullies is that they can't be bullies when they are alone. If you work with a bully, this is all you need to…

What are you afraid of?

The old rules: Play it safe. Stay in your comfort zone. Find an institution, a job, a set of rules to stick to. Keep your head down. Don't fly too close to the sun. The new truth: It's better to be sorry than safe. You need to fly higher than ever. True innovators focus on…

Pushing you to stand out

There are countless people waiting to tell you how to fit in, waiting to correct you, advice you, show you what you are doing wrong. And no one pushing you to stand out. If you add up all the books, scolds, back-benchers, bosses, teachers, parents, police, co-workers, employees, religious zealots, politicians, and friends who can…

The privilege of being wrong

When you are truly living on the edge, walking on the moon, perhaps, or caught in the grip of extreme poverty --there's no room at all for error. It's a luxury you can't afford. For most people doing well, though, there's a cushion. Being wrong isn't fatal, it's merely something they'd prefer to avoid. They…

“May I help you?”

... is almost a useless thing to say. If you want to end a conversation with a teenager, just ask, "How was school today?" If you want to end a conversation with a customer, just ask if you can help. Instead, ask, "can I get you a hot drink?" or "what's the worst thing about…