You Are An Entrepreneur If: You know that a business that is not growing is dying

The basic definition of entrepreneurship is about starting something from nothing and growing it. Growth is fundamental to entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are different, there are those who happen to own a business of the same size for a number of years, from generation to generation Those are what we typically call life-style entrepreneurs. Their businesses revolve…

You Are An Entrepreneur If: You don’t believe in retirement

Being an entrepreneur is not an event, it is a way of life. Being an entrepreneur is not a profession. It is your attitude, your approach and your view to the world. You cannot retire from being an entrepreneur. Yes, you can retire from your business, but not from being an entrepreneur. As I grow…


There is a never-ending worldwide shortage. Graceful is artistic, elegant, subtle and effective. Graceful makes things happen and brings light but not heat. Graceful does not mean invisible, hiding, fearful or by the book. And graceful certainly does not include lecturing or bullying. A graceful person gets things done, but does it in a way…

Voyage of Exploration

In an business built around perfection, you need to push people to say, "Bad news, I made a mistake." Only by surfacing mistakes can the business stamp them out. In an business built around exploration, on the other hand, people need to say, "Good news, I made a mistake." Only by seeking things that don't…

Consumer vs Producer Mindset: Think Through Purchases

When you consider a major purchase, make sure you take some time to cool off and think about it. Don’t just buy on impulse. Take some time to think through purchases. A lot of times, something that you think will make you happy is really just an impulse buy. Focus on producing value instead of constantly consuming…

Consumer vs Producer Mindset: Getting a Discount is not Producing

There are people who talk about saving money by using discounts. That’s not saving money, that’s spending, that’s consumerism. I know we think saving money on expenses is productive, but fundamentally, it’s still a consumer mindset.  Consuming is simply paying money for some good or service. Producing is creating value that others want to consume.…