Being Content: In other words

Words are used to communicate ideas. How you define something, shapes how you approach it. When you define a person as a friend, you behave in a loving, friendly manner. When you define a situation as hostile, you behave in a guarded, careful manner. How you use certain words can have a huge impact on…

Being Content: In a world that preaches happiness

The world seems to be obsessed with finding and maintaining happiness, we call it the pursuit of happiness. If happiness is something we have to achieve, we will find ourselves continually chasing happiness. We will never reach our goal. To be content, however, is entirely different. I believe if you strive for contentment, balance, instead…

Being Content: With or without the “Forever After”

Being content is a state of mind, whereas happiness is a moment. Contents lasts longer, happiness is temporary. I’m happy that I bought my favourite pair of shoes, I’m happy that my team won. After two months, I see another pair of shoes or my soccer teams losses and my happiness diminishes. Marketers are very…

Being Content: or being happy

Being content or being happy. Words have the power to change us, and understanding these two words can fundamentally change how we view and approach life. People often use these two words, being happy and being content interchangeably trying to illustrate success. These two words mean different things. “Contentment” is the word that changed me.…

The open road

The past day I took a long distance drive of about 6 hours. Most of the drive was an open road highway, until you get to and major towns. On the open road, people drive at their own speed, on cruise, relaxed and just enjoy the ride. For me the open road helps me to…

I is for Integrity: Do what’s right anyway

“Good men don't become legends," he said quietly. "Good men don't need to become legends." She opened her eyes, looking up at him. "They just do what's right anyway.” ― Brandon Sanderson, The Well of Ascension This reminds me of nice girls don't get the corner office or good guys don't win cliches, my response…

I is for Integrity: Cheating

Some people cheat their way through life. They cheat on tests in school. Cheat on girlfriends/boyfriends and then graduate to cheating on wives/husbands. They cheat on their taxes. Taxi drivers cheat on the road, by cutting in front of us. Politicians use the public purse for their personal purposes. People use their connections to cut…

I is for Integrity: Don’t say it in private

Before you say or do something, ask yourself would you be willing to repeat the same thing in public. If not, they don't say or do it. Your reputation and integrity is not merely based on your work, it is often the result of what you say or don't say in secret. Don't say in…