Book Review: Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes

Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes was a pleasant surprise. A year as an extrovert? That's not what I expected when I first read the synopsis. According to Shonda Rhimes, being an introvert, saying no to many opportunities, and focusing solely on her job have all contributed to her success and accolades. Shonda was happier…


When you get it, will you be happy? Yes. But will it make you happy? Most likely not. What most people would consider being a happy person has less to do with dopamine and success and more to do with contentment and stewardship. If your happiness is dependent on always chasing things, your happiness will…

Subtle problems

We have been socialised to look for and notice the most obvious loud problems. Parents, teachers, and even other children have been taught to be on the lookout for and pay attention to noisy children [and babies] from an early age. As adults, we apply what we've learned from this experience. We grow up thinking…

The spirit behind what you do

The spirit behind what you do, is as equally important as what you do. The spirit behind your apology, or well-wishes, or your goals is as important as the deed itself. In everything you do, check your spirit first. Let everything you do start from a good spirit.

Pick up the phone and call

If an email discussion goes on for more than four back-and-forth emails without making any progress, stop. Pick up the phone and call. A minute of back and forth communication is too lengthy, regardless of the chat technology you use. Pick up the phone and call. Do not send any further texts until the issue…

The Beauty of Subtlety…


 restless city movie afi fest

Subtle is a cousin of beautiful.

Subtle beauty is almost indefinable and makes your offerings seem special; achieving it requires modesty and self-awareness.

A special business/brand/offerings may desire to exhibit subtle beauty rather than being exhibitionist and objectifying itself.

Those with subtle beauty don’t scream for attention, but instead are happy with who they are without having to manipulate others through using their physical beauty to feel that way.

Subtle design and messaging challenge the user to make her own connections instead of spelling out every detail. Connections we make are more powerful than connections made for us.

If Amazon and Nine West had been called “” and “” it might have made some early investors happy, but they would have built little of value.

Subtle details demonstrate power. Instead of being in an urgent hurry to yell about every feature or benefit, you demonstrate confidence by taking your time…

View original post 174 more words

Work that mattes and credit

Trying to keep track of the credit we receive for the things we do or recommend is one of the few things that, in the long run, will impede our capacity to accomplish something that has a significant influence. You'd be surprised at how much more impactful you can be if you don't care about…

Are you a satisficer or maximiser?

When it comes to making judgments, Barry Schwartz's study shows that people tend to fall into two categories: satisficers and maximisers. Some people want the finest possible outcome [maximisers], while others are content with a result that meets a certain standard [satisficers]. This does not imply, however, that satisficers are content with mediocrity. As long…

Glory be to God

It's a bittersweet experience to finally win the African women's championship after missing out in the finals five times. The Moroccans put up a fantastic performance and never gave up till the final whistle. As a result, they should be applauded for their bravery and perseverance. It was a fantastic exhibition of football on the…

A thin line between ambition and delusion

In his remarkable book on the demise of Elizabeth Holmes titled Bad Blood, John Carreyrou, makes an interesting point in the paragraph below: ______________________________________________ “A sociopath is often described as someone with little or no conscience. I’ll leave it to the psychologists to decide whether Holmes fits the clinical profile, but there’s no question that…

Keep reading books

Learn by reading. You broaden your horizons and sharpen your analytical skills by reading (which makes it easier to learn new stuff). Reading opens the mind to new ideas and connections that might not have occurred to the reader otherwise. Reading is a great way to get your creative juices flowing. Creativity helps in the…