I don’t feel like it

What's it? Why do you need to feel like something in order to do the work? They call it work because it's difficult, not because it's something you need to feel like. Very few people wake up in the morning and feel like taking big risks or feel like digging deep for something that has…

You rock

This is deceptive. Its really not entirely true... You don't rock all the time. No one does. No one is a rock star, superstar, world-changing artist all the time. In fact, it's a self-defeating goal. You can't do it. Rock starts are rock stars during their performances. No, but you might rock five minutes a…

If you don’t start, you can’t fail

It sounds ridiculous when you say it that way. But of course, it is ridiculous. It's (quite possibly) the reason you're postponing starting that business, that project, that course because you don't want to fail so to be safe you rather not start. On the other hand, there's no doubt that, "If you don't start,…

The brand is a story about you, not about the brand.

The brand is a story. But it's a story about you, not about the brand. Why prefer Coke over Pepsi or iPhone over Samsung or Merc over BMW? In markets that aren't natural monopolies or where there are clear, agreed-upon metrics, how do we decide? Yes, every brand has a story—that's how it goes from…

The woodcutter and the blunt saw

There is a story of a woodcutter whose job is to cut down trees in a forest. He has a certain target to meet. He works very hard, but he is so busy trying to achieve his target that he never takes time to sharpen his saw. Each day it takes him longer and longer…

We are not living in a movie

We are not even living in a lousy reality show, or in some TV series with endless seasons. Entertainment has seduced us into believing that we have a chance to live the life they live in the movies. Even the people in the movies do not live that life. It does not take 135 minutes…

“One of us is wrong…

and it's not me." That's the way every single conflict begins. Of course it does, because if it didn't, it wouldn't be a conflict, would it? So, given that the other person is sure you're wrong, what are you going to do about it? Pointing out that they're wrong doesn't help, because now you've said…

Be Remarkable and Let Others Be Average

This is how to be remarkable. (Worth making a remark about): 1. Understand the urgency of the situation. Half-measures simply won't do. The only way to grow is to abandon your strategy of doing what you did yesterday, but better. Commit. 2. Remarkable doesn't mean remarkable to you. It means remarkable to me. Am I…

Is The Customer Always Right? Here Is The Answer

When in doubt, re-read rule one Rule one has two parts: a. the customer is always right b. if that's not true, it's unlikely that this person will remain your customer. If you need to explain to a customer that he's wrong, that everyone else has no problem, that you have tons of happy customers…

All our successes are the same

All our successes are the same; All our failures, too; We succeed when we do something remarkable; We fail when we give up too soon; We succeed when we are the best in the world at what we do; We fail when we get distracted by tasks we don't have the guts to quit. ~…

Sold or bought?

Some things are bought, like bottled water, airplane tickets and chewing gum. The entrepreneur sets up shop and then waits, patiently, for someone to come along and decide to buy from them. Other things are sold, like cars, placement of advertising in magazines and life insurance. If no salesperson is present, if no pitch is…