Book Review: Has China Won?: The Chinese Challenge to American Primacy by Kishore Mahbubani

I have been fascinated by China's history for a while, but I'm even more interested in how it went from being a closed, poor country to having one of the biggest economies in the world. So it wasn't hard at all for me to choose and read this book. It's a thought-provoking book written by…

Status Games: The allure of the lists

We live in a society where we often place a great deal of importance on external signs of success. We believe that being featured on magazine covers or prestigious lists confirms our achievements and determines our worth. However, when our sole focus becomes seeking validation from others, we risk losing sight of our true purpose…

Status games: Obsession with unicorn stardom

The obsession with unicorn status, which refers to privately-held startups valued at over $1 billion, has become a status game in entrepreneurship. The race to achieve this coveted status can create a distorted perception of success and influence entrepreneurs to prioritise raising funds quickly over building a sustainable business. In this game, there is a…

Status games: The illusion of success

Status games have become the lifeblood of our social fabric, infiltrating every aspect of our existence. We have become enslaved to the need for validation, constantly seeking external affirmations to bolster our fragile egos. Social media platforms have transformed into breeding grounds for this toxic culture, where the number of likes, followers, and shares determines…

Mistakes that worked: Penicillin

In the bustling city of London, in the year 1928, a young and ambitious scientist named Alexander Fleming found himself engrossed in his work at St. Mary's Hospital. Driven by a fervent desire to make groundbreaking discoveries, he toiled day and night in his laboratory, seeking a solution to the relentless scourge of bacterial infections.…

Blunder #47 | The silent killer in mergers and acquisitions deals | Refilwe Sebothoma In this gripping storytelling talk, Refilwe delves into an often underestimated element of mergers and acquisitions that can make or break a deal. While financial metrics and sustainability typically take the spotlight in deal-making, Refilwe shares her personal experience of the repercussions she faced when she overlooked a critical factor in a deal she…

We should not ignore suffering

It can be easy to get caught up in our own lives, routines, and comfort, but it's crucial to remember that there are people around us who may be struggling. Taking the time to acknowledge their pain and offering support can make a significant difference in their lives. Let us remember that our acts of…

The deception in the Icarus story

In one of my favourite books, The Icarus Deception: How High Will You Fly?, Seth Godin breaks down at length and with great beauty why the conventional approach to both work and art is inadequate in the modern era. He argues that society has moved away from an industrial economy where conformity and compliance were…

Deep connections

Imagine you're hosting a grand banquet. Your goal is to create an unforgettable experience that leaves a lasting impact on your guests. Now, you could choose to invite hundreds of people, spreading your resources thin and sacrificing the quality of the event. Yes, you might have a large crowd, but the connections made will be…