Transacting vs. Caring

Every business has a story to tell about how difficult their customers can be. Day after day there is always someone who is not happy with this or that. There is another side to this story though. Our side. The story about what is at stake for us as leaders and entrepreneurs. When we don't…

….on success and happiness

“Again and again, I therefore admonish my students in Europe and America: Don’t aim at success, the more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue. And it only does so as the unintended side effect of…

For a leader by John O Donohue

May you have the grace and wisdom to act kindly, learning to distinguish between what is personal and what is not. May you be hospitable to criticism. May you never put yourself at the center of things. May you act not from arrogance but out of service. May you work on yourself, building up and…

The cereal entrepreneur

Leaving your job to start a business is not an easy transition. Losing your job due to an economic slowdown as a result of a pandemic is traumatic. As I was thinking about this situation as many people are experiencing retrenchments, I came across some advice from Seth Godin regarding useful traits that entrepreneurs should…

Smiling tired

It has been a rough few months, deadlines, preparations, applications to process, emotionally difficult situations to manage. And the end is not in sight, in fact, this is just the beginning of a long wave building up in the horizon. I was exhausted but I had to keep going with the work that needed to…

Same and different

All human beings are 99.9% identical in terms of our genetic make up. Despite being virtually the same, we have somehow found ways to let that differing 0.1% get in the way of belonging and cooperation. We have been successful in finding arbitrary differences, some biological, most made up, as justification to be cruel to one another.…

The quiet opportunity

We do not have to turn everything we do into a full blown, neon-lit marketing opportunity. In fact allowing our actions to speak for themselves is the best marketing of all.

Popular opinion over fact

One of the biggest societal challenges that emerges as a result of a world influenced by social media is the consistent triumph of popular opinion over facts or well researched ones. We have gotten to a point where were seek advice from popular people instead of experts [who are not popular]. We trust parenting advice…

Patient Growth

In business as in life, we seek out what we think is the quickest route to the outcome we want, then we get frustrated when things do not work out as we hoped they would. When our expectations do not match our capabilities, or the customer’s worldview, or the marketplace’s readiness, we push harder, trying…

Might be the first selfie

Given how most people take selfies, you would probably think it was some 1990s teenage girl armed with an early Kodak digicam. But no, 21st-century-style selfies are actually an early 20th-century affair. This photograph taken in December in 1920 might be the first modern selfie. The possible creators of the first selfie are still in…

The best apology…

Anyone can apologise and say “sorry” and amend things temporarily but to amend things permanently, you have to show change. What you do is far louder than what you say. Ultimately the best apology is changed behaviour.


Maturity is consistently realising we have the choice to pick our response. There are 3 things to know about maturity. First, it is not a function of age. While we see it most often in the post-teen years, there is no strong correlation between age and maturity. There are people who go through life never…