Doing work that matters: Chef José Andrés

One of the things that warm my heart is witnessing people and organisations go above and beyond the call of duty to undertake important work. Imtiaz Sooliman and his team at Gift of the Givers, CRC church through CRC Cares collect and donate food parcels to destitute communities, such as those affected by the KZN…

I hear you…

As human beings, we all have a deep need to be heard and understood. When we feel that others are truly listening to us, it can be incredibly validating and affirming. It can also help us to feel more connected and engaged with the world around us. Unfortunately, many of us struggle to truly listen…

In the stillness lies the strength

Quiet confidence is a term that captures a certain magic of self-belief. It's the kind of confidence that doesn't need fanfare or external validation to shine bright. It's unassuming, yet deeply powerful and inspiring. When we have this kind of confidence, we can navigate the twists and turns of life with more ease and grace.…

The shocking truth about gossip

Robin Dunbar, an anthropologist has got some hot takes on how gossip helps keep large groups of humans tight-knit. Dunbar's got this idea called the "social brain hypothesis," which says that the size of the neocortex [that's part of the brain responsible for social stuff] is linked to the size of social groups that humans…

Religiosity of entrepreneurship

I got to know Prof Scott Galloway on the Business Wars podcast while I was writing a leadership case study for Lora Centre students a couple of years ago. The topic of the assignment was the failure of WeWork and the qualities of leadership exhibited by Adam Newman, the company's founder. Professor Scott Galloway is…

“I’m willing to work on that”

"I'm willing to work on that" implies that we are open to improving ourselves and are willing to put in the effort to make changes. This phrase suggests that we are not satisfied with the status quo and are actively seeking ways to grow and develop. On the other hand, "that's just how I am"…


Books, courses, and mentorship can teach you about starting a business, but building one yourself is the greatest way to learn. Building a business presents challenges, obstacles, and possibilities that can't be predicted or prepared for theoretically. These experiences will build your resilience, creativity, and problem-solving skills for entrepreneurship. There is no substitute for hands-on…

What the hell is water?

David Foster Wallace once told a joke about two young fish who run into an older fish. The older fish says: “Morning boys, how’s the water?” The two young fish swim on for a while before one turns to the other and asks: “What the hell is water?” Entrepreneurs can become so caught up in…

Choose kindness…

It's important to remember that everyone has their own thoughts, feelings, and experiences that influence how they interact with others. It's not your job to convince someone else of your worth, and it's also not necessary for someone else to reciprocate in order for you to value yourself. The most important thing is to have…

Why is it called a toast?

Have you ever wondered about the origin of the term "toast" to be used prior to drinking when celebrating a great occasion? A toast that I am familiar with is that of bread; how does bread relate to beverages? The term "toast" used before drinking is believed to have originated from an old custom in…