For The Love of Creativity and Art: Creativity is a Drug

Reading books and recently writing a book is my profession but it's more than a profession, It's also my great lifelong love and fascination. I blog everyday, blogging a drug I have learned to embrace. After each blog post, its as if I have released some form of weight off my shoulders and now I…

If your happiness is based on always getting a little more than you have got now…

.... then you have handed control of your happiness to the gatekeepers, built a system that does not scale and prevented yourself from the brave work that leads to a quantum leap. The industrial system (and its marketing machine) love the mindset of 'a little bit more, please', because it furthers their power. A slightly…

Smart people don’t think others are stupid

The woman seemed to be making some pretty good points, until she stopped with, “Ugh! Those (people she disagrees with) are just so stupid!” She could have said Pretorians, Cape Townians, Politicians, Democrats, Indians, or South Africans. It doesn’t matter. She had just proven that she was not being smart. There are no smart people…

All Stars Entrepreneurs From The Vaal

Go ahead and make something for the elites. Not the elites of class or wealth, but the elites of curiosity, passion and taste. Every great thing ever created was created by and for this group. I'm honored to be one of the guest speakers at this elite event of All Stars Entrepreneurs From the Vaal…