In search of shortcuts

There are not many actual shortcuts. There are merely direct paths... Most people do not like direct paths, because they entail being honest, putting the hard work and being patient. Things that look like shortcuts are actually detours [disguised as less work].  Shortcuts actually takes long. If you don't have time to do it right,…

Being Human: is the only way to win

Business is people, and when we focus on taking care of the feeling of life and the humanity in the people in the enterprise, business will take care of itself. When business serves life, business also serves community, it serves art, it serves nature and our common life together. When we grow the ‘enterprise of…

Being Human: We don’t need more stuff

Traditional companies, particularly large-scale service and manufacturing businesses are organised for efficiency. Or consistency. But not joy. Joy comes from surprise and connection and humanity and transparency and new. If you fear special requests, if you staff with cogs, if you have to put it all in a manual, then the chances of amazing someone…

Being Human: Do work that matters

Caring hurts sometimes, and that is inconvenient. The good news is that more than ever, value accrues to those that show up, those that make a difference, those that do work that matters. The good news is that digging deep and fighting that voice that begs us to shut up instead of show up really…

One of us is wrong…

"One of us is wrong... and it's not me." That is the way every single conflict begins. Of course it does, because if it did not, it would not be a conflict, would it? So, given that the other person is sure you are wrong, what are you going to do about it? Pointing out that they…

The Ego Diet: Great talkers, little doers

It is a temptation that exists for everyone, for talk and hype to replace action. The empty text box: "What's on your mind" Facebook asks. "Compose a new tweet," Twitter beckons. Tumblr, LinkedIn, our inbox, our iPhones, the comment section on the bottom of the article you just read. Blank spaces, begging to be filled…

The Ego Diet: Work hard, stay humble

What replaces ego is humility, rock-hard humility and confidence. When we remove ego, we are left with what is real. Ego is stolen. Real confidence is earned. Ego is self-anointed, its swagger is artifice. Most successful people are people you have never heard of. They want it that way. It keeps them sober. It helps…

The Ego Diet: The reason you resist change

Let’s face it. Our biggest obstacle to change is what is staring back at us in the mirror. The main force that feeds us misinformation and prevents us from changing is our egos. We are afraid we will be humiliated and our ego will be bruised when we we fail.   As a result we…

The Ego Diet: Knowledge and ego

It was Albert Einstein who said more the knowledge lesser the ego. Lesser the knowledge, more the ego. I have realised this statement through my own journey as well. Einstein's equations of “Ego=1/Knowledge simply means: "More the knowledge lesser the ego, lesser the knowledge more the ego.” Knowledge and ego are directly related. The less…