If I fail more than you do, I win.

I have failed way more times than I have succeeded. I have owned businesses before, from owning a butchery, to an internet cafe, to vending machines, to dry cleaners etc. Some of those businesses went well, some went bust. My lesson from all these experiences was that if I fail more than you do, I…

The Startup Revolution

The Revolution There is a revolution going on and it is sort of hard to notice this revolution because revolutions take more than a week. For 150 years we lived in an industrial economy. The industrial revolution led to industries, right, now that era is over, now there is a revolution going on and the…

Wishing and Hoping Does Not Work in Business

What works in business is “doing”. Executing the plan requires effort. It is the muscle, the labor and the heavy lifting that gets the job done. If you are wishing a potential calls you to buy something, the wait is long. If you are hoping a great venture capitalist recognises your incredible invention, your desires…

Be a round peg in a square hole

Fitting in is a short-term strategy to get you nowhere. Standing out is a long-term strategy, it takes guts and produces results. If you care enough about your work to be willing to be criticised for it then you have done a good day’s work. Don’t be different for the sake of being different, be…

You Know You’re Bad at Networking If…

1. If you have not allowed the person you’re speaking with to actually speak in the last 60 seconds, you’re not networking, you’re monologing. Unless your name is Hamlet, quit it! There are few things as frustrating as someone who will not shut up about himself/herself and asks you nothing. I once was “captured” by…

30 Startup Tips

Startup Tip 1: Start with a good business idea. Startup Tip 2: Give yourself a competitive advantage – Get organised & work; make your ideas happen. Startup Tip 3: Make creating customer value your primary focus. Startup Tip 4: Get more done - take time off. Startup Tip 5: Keep your motivation levels high. Startup…

The Perverse Irony of the Argument

People pick up business books looking for a map. They pay attention in school because they want certainty: the certainty of good marks, a good job, a good career. We transformed school from a place of inquiry into a facility optimised for meeting standards. This is something the industrial age taught us, that there are…

You turn when I turn

When riding a motorbike with your partner, when you take corners, the rule is simple, you turn when I turn. When riding on a straight road, its all okay, no problems, but when we get to a sharp curve, when I bend to the left, you as my partner must also bend to the left…