Entrepreneurs sneakers + Corporate Suits: A Match Made in Innovation Heaven

Dear fellow entrepreneurs, Our journey is filled with passion, risk-taking, and the relentless pursuit of innovation. We thrive on the freedom to create and disrupt. But let's remember that our friends in the corporate world possess a wealth of knowledge and experience that can be invaluable to our growth. Corporate professionals are often at the…

Built to care

Have you ever wondered why we do the things we do? What fuels our passion and drives us to make a difference? As entrepreneurs, it's easy to get caught up in the daily grind and lose sight of the bigger picture. We may question our choices and wonder if all the effort is truly worth…

The Illusion of “Winner Takes All”

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, especially for us entrepreneurs, it's easy to get caught up in the illusion of a "winner takes all" mentality. We see others seemingly ahead, achieving milestones faster, building bigger teams, or raising more funding. It can feel like a never-ending race, leaving us questioning our own…

Boela morago

In some cultures, when you've made a misstep, a blunder, or perhaps even a decision that you're not particularly proud of, there's a Sepedi saying: "Boela morago." Boela morago loosely translated, it means "go back." But go back where? Go back to your roots, to the drawing board, to that quiet place within yourself where…

The Quiet Brilliance of Meaningful Work

The masses favour instant gratification: fast food, sugary drinks, blockbuster movies, catchy tunes. They crave the quick, easy, and cheap, shunning anything that demands effort or patience. This preference for immediate pleasure extends beyond consumption habits, influencing choices in art, literature, and even personal relationships. However, there exists a contrasting group, drawn to the nuanced,…

Leave the Gun, Take the Lesson

Mark Seal's captivating book, Leave the Gun, Take the Cannoli, unveils the fascinating story behind the creation of "The Godfather," a cinematic masterpiece. One intriguing detail is how the production team, led by Francis Ford Coppola, meticulously crafted the appearance of the lead characters, particularly Don Vito Corleone, the enigmatic Godfather himself. A central question…

The Art of Rolling with the Punches

The unexpected twist in Durban serves as a potent reminder that life, much like the entrepreneurial journey, is filled with unpredictable turns. This sn't about the stunning beaches or vibrant markets of Durban [though those are definitely worth exploring!]. Instead, it's about an unexpected twist in my recent trip, a reminder that life, much like…

Frequently Unasked Question: What’s Not Changing?

As entrepreneurs, we're often captivated by the allure of the new, the shiny technologies, emerging trends, and the promise of disruption. We ask, "What's going to change?" and chase those exciting possibilities. But there's a quieter, more powerful question we often neglect: "What's not going to change?" This question leads us to the very heart…

Burning the Boats

We all face moments where we feel like there's no way out. The struggle is real, and it's easy to want to give up. Maybe it's a course that's too tough, a job that's too draining, or a relationship that's just not working. In those moments, walking away can feel like the best thing to…

The Oversupply of Talk, The Undersupply of Action

The saying "talk is cheap" highlights a common truth in life and business, ideas are abundant, but turning them into reality takes effort, perseverance, and resources. Think of it like a bustling marketplace overflowing with unique and exciting concepts. Everyone has something to offer, a potential solution to a problem, or a dream of a…

The Under-the-Radar Entrepreneur

Stealth wealth, in the context of entrepreneurship, is a mindful approach to prosperity. It's about achieving financial abundance while maintaining a grounded, values-driven lifestyle. I recently came across this term while reading "The New Elite: Inside the Minds of the Truly Wealthy" by Jim Taylor, and it piqued my interest. After doing some desktop research,…