The unexpected twist in Durban serves as a potent reminder that life, much like the entrepreneurial journey, is filled with unpredictable turns.

This sn’t about the stunning beaches or vibrant markets of Durban [though those are definitely worth exploring!].

Instead, it’s about an unexpected twist in my recent trip, a reminder that life, much like the entrepreneurial journey we all love, is full of surprises.

Picture this: a scenic drive from Pretoria, conference badge in hand, ready to soak up knowledge and network with fellow business minds.

But two days before my return, BAM! A nasty flu hit me like a ton of bricks, sending me straight to bed.

From conference room to sick bed in a hotel room.

Talk about a detour!

This unforeseen illness left me stranded in a hotel room, miles away from home, with a pounding headache and a whole lot of frustration.

It was a stark reminder that even the best-laid plans can be derailed in an instant.

As Morgan Housel wisely puts it in his book Same as Ever, “You can’t predict the future, but you can prepare for it.”

So, what’s an entrepreneur to do when faced with a curveball?

Just like we build resilience into our businesses, preparing for economic downturns, market shifts, or unexpected challenges, we must also build resilience into our lives.

This means being adaptable, rolling with the punches, and prioritising our well-being even when it throws a wrench in our plans.

As I slowly recover here in Durban, I’m reminded that setbacks are temporary. They may slow us down, but they don’t define us. They’re simply a part of the journey, an opportunity to learn, grow, and emerge stronger than before.

So, whether you’re battling a nasty flu or navigating unexpected challenges in your business, remember this: you are resilient. You are capable. And you have the strength to overcome any obstacle that comes your way.

Rest up, recharge, and remember that this too shall pass.

Your entrepreneurial spirit will see you through, just as it always has.

And when you’re back on track, you’ll carry with you the wisdom gained from this unexpected detour.

As ironman Mike Tyson has said before:

Everyone has a plan: until they get punched in the face

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