In some cultures, when you’ve made a misstep, a blunder, or perhaps even a decision that you’re not particularly proud of, there’s a Sepedi saying: “Boela morago.

Boela morago loosely translated, it means “go back.”

But go back where?

Go back to your roots, to the drawing board, to that quiet place within yourself where reflection and introspection reside.

It’s a call to pause, to reassess, to understand what went wrong, and then to re-emerge with a renewed sense of purpose, a fresh perspective, and a better plan.

For entrepreneurs, this phrase carries a powerful message.

In the fast-paced world of startups and business ventures, failures, setbacks, and disappointments are inevitable.

The key is not to let these moments define you, but to use them as catalysts for growth.

Imagine an entrepreneur who launches a new product that fails to gain traction in the market.

Instead of succumbing to despair, the entrepreneur o boela morago.

They take a step back, analyse what went wrong, listen to feedback from customers, and then return to the market with an improved product, a stronger marketing strategy, and a renewed sense of determination.

It’s not about retreating, it’s about regrouping.

It’s about understanding that mistakes are not the end, but rather stepping stones on the path to success.

So, the next time you find yourself facing a setback, remember go boela morago.

Take a deep breath, go back to the drawing board, and let the lessons learned guide you toward a brighter future.

After all, it’s in the moments of reflection and introspection that the seeds of innovation and success are often sown.

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