Entrepreneurs sneakers + Corporate Suits: A Match Made in Innovation Heaven

Dear fellow entrepreneurs, Our journey is filled with passion, risk-taking, and the relentless pursuit of innovation. We thrive on the freedom to create and disrupt. But let's remember that our friends in the corporate world possess a wealth of knowledge and experience that can be invaluable to our growth. Corporate professionals are often at the…

The Art of Rolling with the Punches

The unexpected twist in Durban serves as a potent reminder that life, much like the entrepreneurial journey, is filled with unpredictable turns. This sn't about the stunning beaches or vibrant markets of Durban [though those are definitely worth exploring!]. Instead, it's about an unexpected twist in my recent trip, a reminder that life, much like…

The Under-the-Radar Entrepreneur

Stealth wealth, in the context of entrepreneurship, is a mindful approach to prosperity. It's about achieving financial abundance while maintaining a grounded, values-driven lifestyle. I recently came across this term while reading "The New Elite: Inside the Minds of the Truly Wealthy" by Jim Taylor, and it piqued my interest. After doing some desktop research,…

Consistency: The Unsung Hero of Entrepreneurial Growth

Consistency is often a key factor in achieving growth in various areas of life. For example: Social Media: Consistent posting keeps your audience engaged and attracts new followers. Investing: Consistent investments, even small ones, benefit from compounding interest over time. Fitness: Consistent workouts lead to improved strength, endurance, and overall health. This principle extends to…

Entrepreneur’s Dilemma: When Your Side Hustle Threatens Your Main Gig

Embarking on the journey of entrepreneurship often means navigating unexpected twists and turns. This rings particularly true for our founder, whose entrepreneurial path took an unforeseen detour into the world of podcasting. Initially starting with a solid product or service idea, our founder soon realized the limitations of their market reach and brand awareness. Seeking…

Pre vs. Post Fall Entrepreneurs

I was watching My First Million podcast with Sam and Shawn and they were interviewing Jeremy Giffon about what businesses he would buy if he was starting Tiny today and a bunch of opportunities that he sees people sleeping on. At some point in the interview they talk about the concept called: The Pre and…

Don’t be a D^3x/Dt^3

Have you ever encountered the phrase "don't be a D^3x/Dt^3" in physics? The formula D^3x/Dt^3 refers to the movement of an object, which is the fancy way of saying how much its acceleration is changing. In simpler terms, it's a measure of how quickly an object is speeding up or slowing down. But why the…

Hugs > Likes: A Lesson for Entrepreneurs

We live in an era where connectivity is at its zenith. We're glued to our devices, perpetually bombarded by notifications vying for our attention like overeager street vendors in a bustling market. Each ping, each buzz, each flicker of the screen promises a dopamine hit, a momentary surge of satisfaction in an otherwise mundane existence.…

Entrepreneurship, served slow

So, Warren Buffett, the sage of Omaha, once said: No matter how great the talent or efforts, some things just take time. You can't produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant. Classic Warren, right? But here's the thing, as much as we chuckle at the absurdity of that image, it's remarkable…