I came across this post on a social media group page, and it really made me stop and think about what I’ve been doing wrong.

How entrepreneurs think people buy:

1. Buyer sees ad.
2. Buyer clicks ad.
3. Buyer purchases.

Versus how people *actually* buy:

1. Buyer sees ad.
2. Buyer gets distracted by cat.
3. Buyer forgets about brand.
4. Buyer sees organic post 3 days later.
5. Buyer likes organic post.
6. Buyer scrolls on…
7. Buyer goes to work 2 days later.
8. Buyer sees another ad.
9. Buyer clicks and browses site.
10. Buyer gets distracted.
11. Buyer scrolls on.
12. Buyer forgets about brand…
13. Buyer sees favourite influencer talking about brand.
14. Buyer clicks and browses site.
15. Buyer adds product to cart.
16. Buyer gets distracted.
17. Buyer scrolls on.
18. Buyer forgets about brand…
19. Buyer hears friend talking about brand 7 days later.
20. Buyer searches email for discount they got during ATC.
21. Buyer shops Amazon for cheaper price.
22. Buyer gets distracted by Amazon.
23. Buyer scrolls on.
24. Buyer forgets about brand…
25. Buyer is awake late at night after drinking too much coffee.
26. Buyer is doom scrolling.
27. Buyer sees another ad.
28. Buyer clicks and browses site.
29. Buyer gets sleepy.
30. Buyer falls asleep.
31. Buyer forgets about brand…
32. Buyer’s girlfriend makes offhand comment about their biggest insecurity 7 days later.
33. Buyer clicks and browses site.
34. Buyer goes to their cart.
35. Buyer finally purchases. 😂

The modern consumer is a fickle creature, easily swayed by a myriad of stimuli.

Embrace the messiness of consumer behaviour.

It’s important to understand that the path to purchase is anything but linear.

Instead of clinging to outdated notions of how people should buy, lean into the beautiful chaos of how they actually buy.

Nurture, don’t just nag your customers, retargeting ads are useful, but don’t overdo them and become annoying.

Entrepreneurs need to be in it for the long haul and strategically utilise as many channels as possible. This increases the chances of being “top of mind” when a buyer unexpectedly enters the right mindset to finally purchase!

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