
When you have believed, and didn’t get what you have expected, you are afraid to believe again.

When you believe for a great marriage, and you didn’t get what you expected, you are afraid to believe again.

When you believe for a great job, but you had a bad experience, you are afraid to believe again.

If you believe to start a business but you ran into financial trouble, you are afraid to believe again.

But don’t let your fear hold you back.

Fear is the glue that keeps you stuck.

Faith is the solvent that sets you free.

God wants to do something mighty in your life.

Believe again.

2 thoughts on “Believe again

  1. Chimamanda said, during her recent Harvard graduate address, that it is self doubt and self belief that we must push forward. Without self doubt we are complacent; while without self belief we hold back. It is actually a very powerful address, I loved it.

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